Moldova Automotive Mechatronic Cluster

Investment is key to unleashing Moldova‘s industrial and export service potential. Foreign direct Investment (FDI), in this respect is not only about capital to build and restore factories but also an essential contribution in terms of technology, management capability and superior work culture that are all needed to grow productivity, grow salaries, create new jobs. Since the effectiveness of DCFTA, Moldova has implemented a number of reforms to improve business environment and investment climate. My Government will both deepen and broaden those and will come up with tools for seamless implementation, particularly government electronic services that would reduce regulatory compliance burden, reduce the potential for graft and corruption which ultimately make the life of businesses operating in Moldova more predictable and less risky.

A number of western firms that invested over the years in Moldova are part of the automotive supply chain. They make a diverse range of products starting from wires and upholstery and ending with programming of electronic control units (ECU) and more recently these entice local startups to explore more sophisticated areas such software and hardware development and testing of transport management systems (TMS) for clients in EU market.

We will make every effort to facilitate firm entry enabling cost savings for export clients and increasing the job sophistication locally. In that sense expanding the automotive cluster is a key priority. Moldova Business Week will continue to play an important role in reaching out to interested investors and will be essential as a feedback channel to inform future business environment reforms and the existing ones.



Moldovan Automotive Cluster Days

The performance of a location and its success nationally and internationally strongly depends on the close cooperation of politics, industry, research institutions and universities.

Close cooperation, exchange of experiences, working out common goals and concentrating on their own strengths are the distinctive characteristics of clusters.

Today, innovations are mainly developed in cooperation with others. The difficult part is to find the right and trustworthy partners. Clusters offer outstanding opportunities for this because they create an environment in which proximity, familiarity and support promote cooperation.

,,Automotive Cluster Moldova” (ACM) is the first cluster created in the Republic of Moldova. The initiative to create ACM occurred spontaneously, as a reaction to market requirements and valorisation of interconnections between companies, local and central administration and also research and training institutions, based on the “Triple helix” model.

The Automotive Sector in the Republic of Moldova is a relatively new one, but having the highest dynamic growth thanks to the investments made by well-known foreign companies in this field. The investments attracted in the Automotive Sector and the future ones speak about the development potential of the Automotive Sector, at the same time having a major role in the consolidation of the country’s economic growth potential and raising the industrial performance level.

On the other hand, the investments in this sphere face numerous obstacles and risks, particularly marked by the unprecedented intensification of competition and that is why a cooperation platform between enterprises, by the consolidation of networks of finished products’ suppliers and manufacturers, cutting some costs, modernization, diversification and increasing the quality of production, is necessary to be created including in the Republic of Moldova.

Automotive Cluster Days was designed in order to create a favourable platform for establishing reciprocally advantageous connections between multinational corporations manufacturing automotive components and potential local and international suppliers in the automotive industry.

The connection of local suppliers to transnational corporations (TNCs) shall also contribute to the increase of the number of employments and local skills, technology transfer and capital supply for domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Advantages for TNCs:
  • Cutting production costs;
  • Cutting the delivery period;
  • High flexibility – local suppliers are more reactive to customer needs than foreign suppliers;
  • Increased control – “face to face” visits provide an increased control over the quality of goods, etc.
Goals of Automotive Cluster Days:
  • To create a favourable platform for establishing reciprocally advantageous connections between multinational corporations manufacturing automotive components and potential local and international suppliers in the automotive industry;
  • To substitute imports for TCNs that perform investment projects in the Republic of Moldova;
  • To assist TCN in the process of finding suppliers;
  • To increase the competitiveness of SMEs in the automotive industry;
  • To facilitate a high flow of information and technology transfer;
  • To remove technical barriers;
  • To establish new business opportunities;
  • To disseminate the information concerning local suppliers, etc.
Target Audience:
  • Members of the Government:
    – Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova
    – Minister of Economy and Infrastructure
  • Structures responsible for making policies:
    – Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure
    – The Organization for Small and Medium
    Enterprises Sector Development

    – The Investment Agency
  • Representatives of local and foreign private sector:
    – Local companies and investors in the automotive sector;
  • Academic environment:
    – “Alecu Russo” State University of Bălți (USARB)
    – Technical University of Moldova (UTM)
    – “Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu” State University (USBPH)
    – Institute for economic reforms and competitiveness (IREC)
    – Engineering College of Strășeni (CI)
    – Academy of Academic Studies of Moldova (ASEM)
  • Mass media:
    – TV stations;
    – Online media;
    – National newspapers and magazines, etc.

Who are we?

The Association of Employers from the Manufacturing Industry (APIP) is a non-commercial, non-governmental, independent and non-political organization, established by the free expression of its members, enterprises whose activity is mainly dealing with the sector of manufacturing industry in the Republic of Moldova and providing related services to this sector.

APIP is one of the most representative associations in the field of manufacturing industry, expressing the interests of manufacturers in this sector, in order to consolidate their efforts for the development of a better business and investment environment in the Republic of Moldova.

APIP aims to promote, to support and to defend, both nationally and internationally, the interests of its members in relations with public authorities, and other third parties.

In order to improve the investment climate and to promote the interests of its members, the APIP activity is focused on the following goals:

  • To collaborate with the state institutions;
  • To submit and to make lobby on the proposals of legislative, social and administrative measures;
  • To develop and to spread specialized knowledge;
  • To support investments and innovations in this field;
  • To facilitate the interaction of its members with foreign industrial companies;
  • To promote internationally the domestic companies, etc.

During the 5 years of activity, APIP members have come up with a series of initiatives that contributed to the improvement of the investment climate. Therefore, enjoying the Government’s confidence, APIP has been appointed to prepare the Industrialization Strategy for 2019-2030 and the Action Plan for its implementation.


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